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Disabled people

Parcometre mobilite reduite

To obtain a disabled parking permit, you must make a request to the SAAQ.

Holders of a disabled parking permit who don’t have a parking space may make a request for a reserved parking space near their residence at the appropriate borough office.

Adapted parking meters

Some parking meters have been adapted for use by the disabled people. Identified by a sticker, these parking meters are shorter by about 30 centimetres. In areas where the Pay and Go system is in place, the parking meters also display a parking space number, providing the possibility of paying at the pay station. Of course, the disabled people always have access to parking spaces equipped with a parking meters or a standard parking sign.

Reserved parking spaces

pictogramme mobilite reduite  Parking spaces identified by this pictogram are reserved for the disabled people.
The Agence de mobilité durable provides a number of spaces in public parking lots.